Legacy Giving
Create a Legacy for Classical Music Education
Leaving a gift to Youth Music Monterey County in your will or by beneficiary designation is a great way to assist in building skills for life in the next generation through music.

How You Benefit
You will be remembered as someone who provided happier, more productive lives for children through their pursuit of music.
You decide how much to give and retain control of your assets during your lifetime, so if circumstances change, you make adjustments to the gift as needed.
Your gift costs you nothing now.
You are able to give your gift anonymously.
You may choose to leave the gift in memory or honor of someone who inspired your value of music.
Choose your unique way of giving:
Gift by designating YMMC as beneficiary of an account
Retirement accounts
Life insurance policies
Certificate of Deposit
Donor Advised Funds
Bank or brokerage accounts
Charitable Gift Annuity

Make the Most of Your IRA
If you are over age 70-1/2, you can save on income tax by making direct donations to charities, such as YMMC, from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
Gifts in Your Will
Taking care of your family first is most important, but you might want to give a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or name YMMC as a contingent beneficiary next in line after your loved ones.

Thank you for your interest in leaving a legacy for generations of young musicians. For help in planning a Legacy Gift for Youth Music Monterey County, please contact the office at (831) 375-1992 or by email.